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Additional training materials

Fusion offers a wide range of products and services aimed at students, student workers and churches, and we’re planning some new additions during the next 12 months, so watch this space for special alerts…


Fusion Review DVDFusion Review DVDPlay it on your laptop when you need a quick refresher of the concepts taught at the Fusion training. This DVD contains individual video segments giving brief reviews of each Fusion module.$5 (includes shipping)
Fusion Training Powerpoint PresentationFusion Training Powerpoint PresentationThe Power Point presentation used at Fusion Training conferences (minus the music and videos.) Intended for use by churches or ministries who have been through the Fusion training and wish to train other members of their communities. May not be reproduced.$50
StudentscapeStudentscape has been written for the 16-19 age group and has a value-based approach to discipleship that any young adult will benefit from. It has been specifically written for those in or going into higher and further education and is an essential resource for every young person who intends on going to college.Individual Hard Copies $21.99 (includes shipping)
Fusion Mini ManualFusion Mini ManualAbbreviated Fusion Cell Training. Discounted and geared for student leaders.Wirebound Manual: $15 (shipping included)
Friendship Partner Program Training ManualFriendship Partner Program Training ManualHow to develop an international student ministry that matches students with American friendship partners. Includes step-by-step instructions and a full appendix of materials.Electronic Download: $30


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