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“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you; you shall love him as yourself.” Lev 19:33-34 NASB

Creating relationship-centered outreach to international students, from hosting meals and holidays to helping with cultural adjustments.
Practical Cross-Cultural ideas or insights:
- Contact the International office on campus and offer your assistance. I.E. Airport shuttle, particpate in cultural holiday fair…
- Start an English conversation group.
- Host a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas meal since most International Students do not go home over breaks.
- Implement a Friendship Partner Program.
Cross-Cultural related websites:
One more friend Chi Alpha’s web site geared toward reaching International Students.
Open Doors provides statistics as to what countries are represented on campuses.
International Students Inc. – An organization for orientation of the church and international student culture.
Multi-Language Media – Foreign language Christian resources.
Alpha ESOL – The Alpha course has become the way to explore the meaning of life around the world. Alpha for ESOL provides a slower paced version of the course with simplified English designed for people where English is not their first language.
Below are some helpful resources to assist you in the area of reaching out to international students on your campus. For a complete list of the Fusion resources available on this site please see our materials page.
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